Os Belle and Sebastian têm uma música, Suicide Girl de seu nome. Música engraçada, e tal. Este é o ponto de partida deste post. Quer dizer, não é bem. Ou melhor, é ponto de partida sem ser razão de ser. E eu poderia estar aqui a explicar-vos a história do vídeo que verão dentro de momentos, não tivesse a autora do mesmo tratado de me poupar esse trabalho, no texto que se segue:
This is SuicideGirls love letter to Belle and Sebastian. NSFW
I have been a HUGE Belle and Sebastian fan since my best friend put "The State I'm In" on a mix CD we played incessantly on a cross country road trip.
When their new album Write About Love came out and had a song called "Suicidegirl" on it, I had a complete fan girl moment which indie rockers are supposed to be too cool for.
When I told the other girls we were all so honored that we decide we had to do something to let them know how much we loved it. Carrina, Cheri and I got together with Mike Marshall who made our other movies and created our video ode to Belle and Sebastian.
Hope you like it!
This is SuicideGirls love letter to Belle and Sebastian. NSFW
I have been a HUGE Belle and Sebastian fan since my best friend put "The State I'm In" on a mix CD we played incessantly on a cross country road trip.
When their new album Write About Love came out and had a song called "Suicidegirl" on it, I had a complete fan girl moment which indie rockers are supposed to be too cool for.
When I told the other girls we were all so honored that we decide we had to do something to let them know how much we loved it. Carrina, Cheri and I got together with Mike Marshall who made our other movies and created our video ode to Belle and Sebastian.
Hope you like it!
Com esse talento, Missy, porquê enveredar pelo suicídio? Sei lá, cinema, fotografia, não?
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